How to Use Google Glass on Smarthpone

Google Glass has been in the works from couple years and making News since it’s release or official announcement at Google IO 2012. The concept of Google glass is as awesome as anything. For those who really don’t know much about the Google Glass, it is small computer that you could wear on your head in the form of a glass and is still being developed and modified by Google in the project named as Project Glass research and development project. The glass can display information in a Smartphone like format and can be operated without your hands using voice commands.So in this post we would teach you how to use Google Glass on Smartphone.

how to use google glass on smarthpone

Now , thanks to this post for the news on Google Plus  that gave us the glimpse that how would the whole thing work. Some of the developers took the dump from the Glass OS and rpacked and replaced the main files into the apk fies. APK file format is the default file format for Android OS. So after getting the apk files installed you will be having a new Launcher on the smartphone called as glass Home.

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Once you will launch this, you will be viewing the UI as the Google Glass UI. And you could also give certain Voice Commands,  like “OK, Glass”. Also you could be able to Google Random stuff using the voice commands and the relevant pictures would be displayed on the screen, or else would be read out. However so as to make calls you will need to have the Glass account, as there would be no contact by then.

The process is still not very safe as installing and downloading the third party apps might get you in trouble as your data might be lost or might be harmed. So one has to careful while installing them on your device. You could download the apk’s from the link below and get some more information so as to what changes were made in the apk’s during the build process. Again this was just made to make you have a basic idea so as to how things work when you’re on the Google  Glass OS. And performing peculiar and complex tasks is still being thought of giving a workaround by the developers. However it is worth a try, but yes again you need to be a bit careful while doing the apk’s for your device’s safety.

Developer Link: Xenologer GitHub

Umpreet Singh
Umpreet Singh
A young blogger, loves to write about cool optimization tricks and Android geek , to guide you through your apk experience.

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